Lilli’s response to Experience Easter

On Tuesday 5HW did our Easter Experience.  We went around each bay and did the activities.  One of the activities was where we had to write on a heart our worries or a prayer and crush the heart and place it in a bowl.  On some of the bays there were passages of writing that told us about the story.  When I went around the bays I felt happy and sad at the same time because when I went to the crucifiction bay I thought about Jesus dying for us.

Easter Experience 2016

On Wednesday 6F did the Easter Experience.  We started on Palm Sunday.  We had to write our hopes and dreams.  One of my hopes was no war.  Then, we went to the Last Supper.  On the bread we had to write something we can share.  One of the popular ones was happiness.  Then it was the Garden of Gethsemane.  We had to write down a worry of ours.  Most of Year 6 said SATs.  Then the cross.  We had to colour in a cross and stick it on.  Next we went to the tomb.  Mrs Fletcher told us different bible stories about the same topic.  We went round in pairs and took parents around and the parents also took part.

12.11.15 Remembrance

Year 5L presented an unforgettable assembly about Remembrance Day and the tragedy of all wars. They read out some famous poems, like ‘Flanders Fields’ and ‘Why Wear a Poppy Today?’ They gave a clear message on what a poppy means and what lives were lost during the World Wars. The song they sang was clear and well-projected giving a message about remembering. Everyone in Year 5 took part in this touching assembly. Mrs Love organised the assembly like a professional, and clearly got the message across to us. She had put in a very emotionally moving song that fitted in with the Remembrance theme. In conclusion this was a transfixing assembly which we all thoroughly enjoyed!’ By Rhys Hopkins and Harry Baldwin, Y6F

11.11.15 Remembrance

The children and staff observed Remembrance Day in a number of ways on Wednesday and I would like to share with you the feedback from a visitor I received regarding the special assembly that we held on this day: ‘I was privileged to be invited to the Armistice Day Assembly… attended by all pupils from Year 1 to Year 6. It was a very moving experience, not only because of the material included, but also because of the behaviours of the children when they were required to reflect during the two minute period of silence.’ The assembly was led by Mrs Smither and we are indebted to her for her ongoing support of the school in so many ways! I would also like to thank Miss Thomas who arranged the various reflections throughout the day including a visit from a member of the Royal British Legion.

19.11.15 Diwali

Well done to Class 5HW who led a really ‘enlightening’ worship on Thursday all about the Hindu festival of Diwali. The children in the rest of Key Stage 2 listened attentively and with obvious interest to the story of Rama and Sita and clearly enjoyed sharing in the song ‘This Little Light of Mine’ in recognition of the significance of light in many religions. Thank you to all involved.

3.11.15 Hanukkah

On Thursday Y6F treated us to a class assembly all about Hanukkah. The children told us about the struggle for the Jewish people in 176BC and how they needed to take back their temple. The miracle was that the oil burnt for 8 days even though there was only enough for one day. There was a doughnut challenge with Mrs Haslam and Miss O’Grady, which was amusing (!) and Miss O’Grady was very honest and owned up to licking her lips! This was to show that Jewish people eat fatty foods like doughnuts to celebrate the oil burning in the temple. The song ‘My Guardian’ resembled the hope of the Jewish people and was sang beautifully with actions. Report by Sarah Dolan and Sarah Curlett

24.11.15 Advent

What a joy it was to share in Class 6 O’G’s collective worship on Tuesday. The theme was Advent which provided a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our value of patience. It was lovely to receive such positive feedback from the parents and carers who came along to watch and who were justifiably proud of the confidence displayed by the children as well as the wonderful songs that had been chosen. Well done on your first Farnworth collective worship Miss O’Grady!

14.1.16 Human Rights

As a school we pride ourselves on developing the children’s perspective of the ‘wider world’. Yesterday’s class led collective worship was one of those opportunities to showcase our growing understanding of global issues. It was a privilege to have taken part in 4T’s assembly on Human Rights. This challenging subject was dealt with in a wonderful way that was not only insightful for the children, but also the adults that were present too. I was incredibly impressed with how the children were able to also have our Christian Values shine through as well. (Mr Monteith, Collective Worship co-ordinator).

Martin Luther King Day

This week’s class led collective worship was led by 4C and was, in the words of one Tweet: ‘wonderful, informative and inspirational’. The assembly celebrated Martin Luther King Day by providing a biopic of King and reflecting on his impact on America’s Civil Rights Movement. It also introduced many of the audience (both children and adults!) to the pivotal role of Rosa Parks in this movement. Particularly moving was when the children shared their own ‘Dreams’ in response to King’s famous ‘I have a dream’ speech. JoJo’s ‘dream’ captures something of the flavour of these: I have a dream…that someone will change what is happening in the world, not just in Syria and with the refugees, but right here in Britain so that everyone has equal rights and the freedom to make their own choices. We are all so proud of the social conscience our children display and this was especially evident throughout this assembly. Well done 4C!

Chinese New Year

On Tuesday class 3C treated us to an assembly all about Chinese New Year. This taught us about the traditions that happened on Monday 8 February. The class sang us a song called Kung Hei Fat Choi which means Happy New Year in Chinese. Each year there is a special animal to represent the year ahead. This year is the year of the Monkey. They also taught us the story about why the years are named after animals. The story is about the order in which 13 animals finished in a race. The order is: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Unfortunately the cat didn’t make it in time, so he didn’t have a year named after him. We all sang: ‘Our God is a great big God’.

Report by Sarah and Rachel 6 O’G